Career Guidance

Career guidance is a useful way of exploring your career, further study or training options. A guidance practitioner can help you gain perspective and tease out your options in full.

When you’re planning your next step, professional career advice is invaluable and will save you time and money in the long run. Knowing which careers best fit your interests, personality and unique strengths will help you get where you want to go.

How does it work?

The career guidance consultation is one-hour with an experienced guidance professional and includes:

    • One-to-one meeting with a career guidance practitioner from the comfort of your home via Skype.
    • A career interests test to identify your main areas of interest and point you to careers and courses which match those interests.
    • A personality test – once you learn more about your personality, you are ready to discover just how strongly your preferences influence your career choice.
    • A career values test – knowing what you value most in life and the aspects of your job that are important to you is one of the keys to building a great career.
    • A CV Review to assess your CV based on content, presentation and the common mistakes to avoid.
    • Full Career Report based on your career, further study or training options with recommended actions.
    • Follow up by email or telephone.

What is your dream in life?

Complete the ‘Dreamline’ worksheet, adapted from the bestselling book, The 4-Hour Work Week to identify and set goals, create an action plan and start realising your dreams.

Why Choose Us?

Our mission is assisting you each step of the way on your career journey. Reach your goals faster with a professionally written job application, one-to-one Interview Preparation or Career Guidance with an experienced guidance practitioner. We focus on quality combined with a high level of support to maximise your employment prospects and help you achieve your true potential.

Request a call back or contact us below for further information.


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